Monday 15 June 2009

Chemo Brain

Today was chemo day. My doctor started me on Taxol which I will be taking every week for the next 2 months. They gave me Taxotere 3 weeks ago but I was suffering with a lot of bone pain in my back and abdominal cramping for 2 weeks after, so they decided to switch to Taxol. I will see in a couple of days if the bone pain will kick in. I got my infusion of Taxol about 6 hours ago and I am extremely tired hence the repetitive nature of this post. They call it "chemo brain". This morning I could not remember if I had given my diabetic cat his morning fix of insulin. I sat there for a good 15 minutes trying to remember if I did it but I could not for the life of me recall. So I opted to not give what could perhaps be a 2nd dose. This evening Chinbob is drinking normally and is his usual Siamese attitude self so I assume he got his fix this morning. They gave me some meds to prevent an allergic reaction which are making me feel terrible. I am going to bed now.

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