Thursday 11 June 2009

Choose Your Lemons Carefully

I hate waiting without defined time limits. They could call anytime and the only thing I can do is wait... "If you don't hear from us then we have chosen someone else". I don't know what planet they come from, but in my universe I need to know one way or the other and greatly appreciate (albeit positive or negative) call back. I am still waiting to hear back about a nice apartment in the area. I really don't want to move out of our neighborhood so our search is pretty limited. Everything I need is right here within walking distance. There is a wonderful market 6 days of the week where I can buy everything from bio veggies to household items to (very) inexpensive clothes. A good bakery, nice butchery, metro station, sunbathed terraces of the local cafés, and a few really nice parks are all a stones throw away. I rarely have to get in a car which suits me just fine. I have been about a dozen auto accidents and always had some sort of premonition that I would probably die in one. The Little one also shares my malaise as she does not tolerate even short trips in the car. For the moment we have a very safe car, however it consumes what I consider to be a lot of gas and it breaks down constantly. Not in the sense that it leaves us stranded, but it is in the shop at least once a month. Fortunately, we have connections and the cost of repairs is doable. I had to explain to Doc what a "lemon" was. I would love to ditch it for something that actually does not crap out every week, but I was vetoed.

The words "choose your wars carefully" comes to mind often when dealing with Doc and Little One. Especially the little one. She can be so timid while out in public that most folks don't see the "my way or the highway" attitude that 2 year olds get when they are tired. I can't complain really, as she is quite open to compromise the past few weeks and she is well behaved in public. I can't always say the same for Doc!

1 comment:

~~Silk said...

Hi. Welcome to the community.