Wednesday 30 March 2011

Her-2 Receptors!

My doctor contacted me today via email to give me the final results of the assorted biopsies from 10 or so days ago. They found no tumor activity in the bone and by complete surprise they found HER-2 receptors! This is really great news as all the other tests suggested that the tumors had not changed and the only way of fighting it would to be keep trying different chemotherapy. Now that they found HER-2 receptors they can give me a drug (herceptin) in combination with the chemo that will work to reduce the size of the tumors more effectively. This is really great news!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Visit from the Father

Through a series of events and leadings, God has been speaking to me softly concerning blood covenants. I've been reading an ebook over the past 2 days and then get pulled away and come back to continue when I get quiet time. To make a long story short, I sensed the presence of The Father come into the room and knew I had to go to my prayer closet and meet with Him. He wanted to talk immediately concerning some things I did not even realize were causing a cloud over my spiritual life. He showed me this night of some things I had gone my entire life thinking were OK, not a big deal, but in fact were a big deal. Things that have hindered me and kept me in chains simply because of my ignorance. I had to repent, I felt so foolish, I was so surprised by my ignorance. I have gone my entire life having essentially "no regrets" because I have always kept a certain moral code and considered myself to be a "really good person" in general. If you were to ask me a week ago if there were some things I needed to repent of that had not been dealt with, I would have said "absolutely not, everything is great" My prayer has been for several months now to draw those negative things that may be hiding into the light. For Him to expose those things so that I can progress in Him and come to be closer to Him. He hears my prayer and made a personal visitation to show me. I am soooo grateful to be able to repent and thus go into a deeper relation with my Father God, but what a shocker to see something that you had always thought of as harmless for what it really is. The wages of sin is death, and I am so thankful for my Father who loves me so much as to discipline me and draw me into the light. It is not the first time I sensed the spirit of the Father. This time was great. I knew I was in for a reprimand but I was so excited to feel the Fathers presence and knew this is a pivotal moment for me. I took the opportunity of being in His presence to first off repent and apologize for my ignorance and how I had been so deceived for so long. Then I thanked and praised Him for all He is doing for me and for taking time out to show me these sins that have created a wedge between us and prevented us from being as close as we would like. I thanked Him to come and visit me! He did not linger very long regrettably but I suppose that the work that was to be done was accomplished. I love His presence. I hope He comes to visit again soon.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Cancer update

I saw both of my doctors today concerning several things. They had some discouraging news. What started out as a very small irritation and swelling has grown the past month to be what the doctors are 99% sure is a tumor. It has taken over 3/4 of my left breast and some of the skin surrounding in the past month and the doctors said it is way beyond surgery. They will start me on a new chemo on Monday with hopes to control it. They also noticed on my last blood test that my white cell counts are decreasing for unknown reasons. They will biopsy the bone marrow to see if there are cancer cells there. I will have a PET scan and many other tests this week to check for unseen cancers that might be anywhere else in the body. The lymph on the left side of my neck is starting to swell the past few days and my sternum is causing some mild discomfort and I have been very tired. I lost 1 kilo. I weigh 51 which is a bummer because I have been eating very well the past few weeks. Once again I reminded the doctors that God will restore me and I think I will take a picture of their faces next time I say this so everyone can have a good laugh when this goes into remission. Please continue to pray for me and my family during this challenging time. Thank you!


Had a soft vision of someone writing on a chalkboard the word "latent". It is defined as:
1. Present or potential but not evident or active: latent talent.
2. Pathology In a dormant or hidden stage: a latent infection.
3. Biology Undeveloped but capable of normal growth under the proper conditions: a latent bud.
4. Psychology Present and accessible in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Jonathan Couper

A prophet named Jonathan Couper came over from England to our church and ministered to the sick. He told me "they will say you are in remission". He also said something about recovery from an accident. I am not sure what that means as I have not been in any accidents in a really long time.

Friday 4 March 2011


Dream where I was training for a job on a small submarine. My old boss was there instructing me every step of the way. We were underwater but could breathe without scuba equipment and I watched fish swim by as if they were floating in the air. He was giving me extremely detailed instruction on how to do everything and made it clear that I would not be able to operate the sub without following every instruction. We were parking the sub and preparing for the water to flood in and I knew I would be able to breathe the water without effort. I knew the sub must be flooded completely before we could leave it and go up, but I also knew that each instruction of the boss must be followed in detail for success. This is not the first time I have seen fish swimming in the air in my dreams. They pop up at various times in places like a fish tank with no borders. I can reach around the fish or they can swim around me without getting "wet". Every time I see them in my dreams they bring such a curious joy.