Tuesday 22 February 2011

Fireworks and plane crash

I had a dream of a large gathering of people in the US. It was nighttime and many people were in the street and traffic was bad. People were shooting off fireworks, not huge ones but nonetheless impressive and everyone was watching them and saying "Ahhhh!". Then I see something that looks like fireworks going by in the sky very high up. It is orange, moving slowly and upon closer inspection I see it is an airplane but the nose of the airplane is glowing orange and red like fire and the wings also but less bright. It is going by and then the plane starts to rotate to the left and then to the right as it is going forward and I think to myself that this is not normal. Everyone is looking at the fireworks and then the plane comes down and crashes perhaps a few miles from where I was standing without making too much noise. I had left Margot at the babysitters house which was in the direction of the crash and thought to myself that I need to go get her ASAP. I knew she would be alright and did not freak out but tried to think of the best route to take. I woke feeling concerned and prayed for God's protection and intercession in this situation.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Flower stars

I heard a song in my sleep and the words went like this: "To each one of us, God has given to us a calling. Larger than life!" I woke myself up this night saying aloud "Thank you Lord that we are all stars in your kingdom" I then had a dream and saw many different colored flowers all lined up one next to the other and they looked shiny like plastic with 5 short petals on them. The flowers looked like colored stars. I had a soft vision of a tan piece of paper with brown writing on it. At the top it was writing "Come" and there was a paragraph written below it but it was too small to read from where I was at.

Monday 7 February 2011


The Little One fell down today while running down a long metal ramp that that connects the church with the sidewalk. She landed on her face. We went over to her to assess the damage as she screamed and we saw her nose starting to swell and turn blue. We were debating on going to the hospital but she only complained about a minuscule scratch on her hand. By the time we got home there was only a small scratch on the bridge of her nose. I believe God healed and protected her. That nose looked like bad business on the ramp but the transformation was taking place in the car. By the time we got home there was nothing bigger than the 1/2 inch what looks to be a burn on her forehead. Praise God!

Saturday 5 February 2011

House hunting

Had a casual dream that I was looking to rent/own a house. I looked around at several traditional homes and ended up stumbling on something unusual. There was a high rise that had a locked door but it happened to be open so I walked in. I was going to try to sell books to the people there but realized that the books were in English and the inhabitants of the building spoke French, so I started to putter around and noticed what looked like an old gym locker. I opened it and stepped into it as there was a room inside that was hidden. I closed the door and realized that I could stay hidden here for a very long time as no-one knew this room existed. I saw the window was open and fresh air was coming through the blinds. I noticed the length was perfect to hang my hammock and the furnishings were very cozy. There were books there and I saw one of them was on Astronomy. "This would be perfect if it had a bathroom" I thought to myself.