Monday 6 July 2009

Chemo is finished!

The past few days have been fraught with backaches, headaches, and cramps. We had the unfortunate news of Docs step uncle passing on. He was an alcoholic in his final years and eventually it caught up with him. Alcoholism runs in my family as well, but that does not stop me from drinking occasionally. I really enjoy it. I have tried about every recreational drug that exists and I find that I prefer a glass of good champagne (I love soft mushrooms as well but for different reasons). I have not been able to drink for the past few years due to many reasons. I got pregnant July 2006, followed by intense breastfeeding up until this past Feb, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. They told me I had to stop breastfeeding to perform the necessary tumorectomy. The little one and I were quite upset by this abrupt finish, but there was no way around it. Chemo and drinking don't mix, so that brings us to now. Today I found out that I am finished with chemo. I am so ecstatic!! The last treatment I did was sort of a compromise with everyone, and today I have my doctors' and my husbands' blessing to stop chemo. I feel light as a feather and giddy (with exception to my physical state). I hope I will feel strong enough to drink some glasses of champagne for my birthday in a few weeks!

The doctor also told me that it is ill advised to get pregnant for the next 2 years. For the reasons that most recurrence of cancer happens in 2 years post treatment and we don't want to have a child grow up without their mother. I totally understand. I don't want that for my family in the case of a relapse. The little one keeps me quite busy as it is, but I know Doc would perhaps like to make another one. Tough toenails I say! He is feeling quite lucky after I got pregnant with LO as everyone thought I was sterile. When I mention exercising birth control my gynecologist laughs and say the chances of getting pregnant are really slim but miracles can happen twice. My only real birth control option is an IUD which I refuse to get, or condoms (no thank you). So it looks like I just have to" roll with it" as they say. The doctor also said she will send me for testing to see if I have the breast cancer gene that may also be present in my daughter or sisters. Will keep you posted on the results... 10% chance of it being positive so the odds are in our favor. (I love statistics! I find them so comforting in many regards!)

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