Sunday 10 October 2010

Tsunami II

I am posting this by request as I had a dream a few days after "Tsunami" of another tsunami. I thought it was just a carnal dream but now with the Indonesia tsunami I am second guessing. In my dream I am on the 2nd or 3rd (attic) level of a house that has 2 relatively high wood framed hinged windows that were open. I was beachside and the weather was sunny and beautiful and I could see surfers having a good time catching waves. There was a gorgeous surfer in the room with me trying to kiss me but he was 18ish and therefore "too young" by my standards so I hesitated. Finally I gave in and kissed him but I found his mouth tasted stale and I stopped things right there. He continued to paw on me and try to continue and I told him that The Little One was in the room and she had a big mouth (would tell). I did not really think of my husband but had a slight sense of cheating on someone or getting away with something. My eyes were drawn upwards and out the left hand side window and I saw the swells were huge and I thought the wave is going to go over the house. I was telling the gorgeous surfer that was trying very hard to make time with me that perhaps he wants to join the 10 or so others that were gleefully taking in the unusually large waves. Just at that moment I think we need to shut the windows and they shut themselves and the wave goes over the house. I can look up and out the window to see the surfers surfing the wave above us who are inside the house. The house is solid. It does not move, and a few drops of water come in by the wooden window frame and I know we are safe. No sense of fear or anxiety or stress about the house.

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