Thursday 13 August 2009

Dare to (listen to your) dream.

I had a dream about 10 days ago where I was speaking to someone and they told me to be prepared. "Buy a big piece of land with a water source, plant fruits and veggies and put a good sized wall around it to protect your food from thieves." They explained that there will be a period of time where the people will have to forage for food and water and will become very aggressive and I have a little bit of time to get prepared for this. Upon hearing this I woke up and it happened to be morning anyway and Doc and the Little One were already waking up. I told Doc about this very vivid dream which he shrugged off as he sleepily made his coffee and prepared for his day. I have taken the habit all of my life to listen to my dreams as usually they give me invaluable guidance. Some people ask their pastor or palm reader, others go with pure logic, I listen to my dreams and follow intuition. I am not a fruit loop but I do believe someone came to me in my dream to warn us. Fortunately they gave very explicit directions as sometimes I can be a little dense or stubborn. I will try to convince Doc of the direction we should perhaps be heading, but this might be tricky. Today a friend came by and explained about a group he is with that gets together once a year to live a week or 2 a nomadic life completely (or as close as possible) independent of the current system. For example: trading work for a farmer for food or camping rights, setting up tent near water sources, eating "weeds" or exclusively locally grown, no electricity, no cars, no cell phone, avoidance of monetary system with preference of exchange, etc. This reminded me of the warning dream. I would like to join them as I think it would be not only fun but a great learning experience, also a great chance to meet other like minded folks who would understand. This chat spurred me on to research edible weeds where, after a few clicks, I stumbled on the following site by hazard(?):
Check it out before sizing me up for a XS straitjacket.

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