Tuesday 31 August 2010


Reset the forgotten password and I will be posting again. There have been alot of changes in my life since I last posted and have restarted the blogging in order to keep a diary of sorts for the spiritual goings on. I really don't have a lot of spare time to include my really hectic daily life, but will keep you abreast of the basics. Between last year and now I have rededicated my life to Christ and have been having huge changes spiritually, emotionally and physically. I am currently undergoing chemo again since this past April as the breast cancer has metastasized to the bone and lymph nodes. This does not scare me as I know God is in control and I have placed my faith in He who provides all that I need. It is not an easy walk, but I know He is protecting me and the end result will be a positive one. This gift of faith helps me get through those dark times that chemo and bone pain can bring. I will take all the old entries from a spiritual spiral notebook I have been keeping and add them to the blog when I get sudden bursts of energy. There are some very exciting things going on and I would like to share them with you even if I run the risk of you thinking I am nuts. I am confident enough in my God and myself to not care what your opinion is, but if you have something positive to add feel free to comment.

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