Monday 8 June 2009

Bark Free Surfing

I think I am borderline obsessive-compulsive. I can spend hours farting around on the internet and simply cannot shut the computer down as I need to refresh the news page and email too many times during the day. Not that I am expecting anything, I just HAVE to. I wasted today doing just this and now I feel guilty (again). This is one reason I created this blog. I figure that if I am going to spend a ridiculous amount of free time in front of a computer I may as well have some kind of creative outlet. Mind you, I don't do this when the little one is here, but left to my own devices I will surf until the cows (or in my case-baby) come home. I know I am not alone in this indulgence, thank god!

This morning while shopping for a few necessities I happened to see a Bark Control Birdhouse which struck me as genius. If I had 70€ in my pocket I would have bought it immediately and aimed it the rowhouse next to us whose dogs yap and woof the weekends away. I did a little research and found that unfortunately cats can hear it too. This does not work out very well as I have 2 cats and there are 5 others in the vicinity as well. I do not want to punish them for the dog business going on next door. Perhaps I will just tell the neighbor as this will be cheaper, or I could just do nothing as we are currently looking for a bigger apartment anyways...

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